The Art of Kevin Dart

September 18, 2009 at 10:06 pm | Posted in art | Leave a comment
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Kevin Dart is a freelance illustrator based in Southern California and is the creator of Secret Agent Yuki-7; the star of one of his most recent projects – a series of retro looking spy movie posters.

“Yuki was the result of a lot of ideas that had been floating around my head for a long time.  When I got back from working in London last year I was thinking a lot about this concept of a jet-setting spy girl with impeccable taste in fashion.  I love 60’s spy films like Deadlier than the Male, Danger: Diabolik, and of course the James Bond movies.  So I wanted to create a fictional series of movies that, had they actually been made, would have been the greatest spy films ever made – filled with awesome chase scenes, amazing costumes and sets, and gorgeous ladies.” – Kevin Dart in an interview at




As if the above four posters weren’t cool and exotic enough – Kevin has also created four equivalent Japanese and French posters just for good measure:






To accompany the Yuki-7 posters, Kevin has also created a pseudo ‘behind the scenes’ book and an animated film trailer. Check them out in the following blog entries here.

Below are some of my other favourite pieces of artwork from Kevin Dart.

deadly bikini girls of shark island

20,000 leagues

cannibal girls

For more illustrations and sketches from Kevin visit his website

All the Yuki-7 posters along with some of his older ones are available at his online store Fleet Street Scandal.

There are also some great interviews with Kevin that give a really good insight into his influences and creative process over at spyvibe and grainedit.

Blog at
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