Ceramic Speakers by Joey Roth

March 21, 2010 at 9:09 pm | Posted in objects | Leave a comment
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ceramic_speaker_side_medDesigned by Joey Roth, the Ceramic Speakers are a small speaker and amp set crafted from porcelain, cork and Baltic birch. Not normally associated with sound systems, these materials create a nice contrast between electronic components and simple materials, while highlighting the speaker set’s inner workings and the simple path between sound source and ear.

The cork and porcelain have also both been chosen for their acoustically neutral properties -meaning, they don’t impart extra vibrations.


‘The objects that keep me sketching late into the night have always been tools for ephemeral experiences. These tools are exciting because they’re persistent, physical reminders of events that last only minutes. Their meaning becomes a dialog between my design and the user’s memories of tea sipped, music played, and the life experiences that these rituals recall.’ – Joey Roth

ceramicspeaker_cork_medI love the connection of the cables to the speaker via the cork plug. There’s something really organic and natural about it yet it’s a detail you typically wouldn’t expect. The contrast between the unfinished birch, the gloss of the porcelain and the texture of the cork is also great.

jroth_amp_side_medThe included amplifier is made from stainless steel sheet metal, with a cast iron base and paulownia volume slider. Aside from the electronic components, plastic is completely avoided in the system’s construction.

ceramic_speakes_partsceramic speakersceramic_speakers_macbook

For more detailed information or to purchase a set of the Ceramic Speakers visit Joey Roth’s website.

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