Domestic Bliss – Steven Klein

June 16, 2009 at 1:00 am | Posted in photography | 1 Comment
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Domestic Bliss – An editorial photo shoot for W Magazine is a collaboration between Steven Klein and Brad Pitt and also starring Angelina Jolie. Shot in July 2005, the photo shoot was inspired by married life in the 1950’s and 60’s.

‘Brad Pitt opted to set it in 1963 (the year he was born), a time when the last traces of squeaky-clean Fifties were giving way to something more complicated. “The face was still being maintained,” Brad Pitt says, “but things were starting to crumble underneath.”’ – Christopher Bagley. W Magazine

The scenes, furniture, clothes and style play homage to the mid-century modern era but I particularly like how the photography of that era has also been referenced – the above image being inspired by one of the more iconic Case Study House photographs by Julius Shulman. Below is the photograph taken in Case Study House #21, which was designed by the architect Pierre Koenig (who is also standing in the image).

Wonderland Park Avenue CSH#21Case Study House #21 (1960) designed by Pierre Koenig. Photo: Julius Schulman

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This theme of the perfect 50’s and 60’s lifestyle with the undertone of things being ‘not-so-perfect’ reminds me a lot of many of Shag’s paintings that depict a similar era. Check some out in a previous entry here.

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Second photo: Julius Schulmann. All other photos: Steven Klein

Check out the many photos from this shoot at W Magazine here.

Also check out Steven Klein’s impressive website to see these photos along with some of his other work.

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