Five Girls (1962) – Sam Haskins

October 11, 2009 at 9:58 pm | Posted in books, photography | 4 Comments
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Sam Haskins is a South African photographer best known for his contribution to nude photography during the 60’s and 70’s.  During this time he also published a number of photography books, some of which include Five Girls (1962), Cowboy Kate (1965) and November Girl (1966).

Five Girls explored a fresh approach to photographing the nude female figure and contained important first explorations with black and white printing, cropping and book design which went on to become a key feature of all his subsequent books.

Below are some of the more famous photographs of Gill, one of the models featured in the book: SamHaskinsFashionEtceteraPg15

gill-on-floor-01gill and curl - sam haskins

gill five girls - sam haskins

gill_five girls - sam haskins

"Gill was an art student in Johannesburg in the early sixties. Not a professional model, she just walked into the studio one day and was a total natural in front of the camera.

There were stories of Vietnam soldiers taking copies of Five Girls (often gifted to them by their wives or girlfriends) to war, so Gill was also a Vietnam pinup. The fan mail generated by Five Girls in the 60s included letters from both men and women." Sam Haskins

You may recognise two of the photos from a more recent artistic project as they were used for the album cover artwork for The Last Shadow Puppets – a side project of Alex Turner of the Arctic Monkeys and Miles Kane of The Rascals.

the last shadow puppets - album artwork

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