The Art of Keith Weesner

March 8, 2010 at 12:28 pm | Posted in art | Leave a comment
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keith weesner - elixirKeith Weesner is an artist and hotrodder from Los Angeles, California who is best known for his paintings depicting vintage car culture and pin up illustration.

Keith studied automotive design at the Art Center in Pasadena and has worked in the animation industry creating background designs for the likes of Bruce Timm’s Batman, Superman and Justice League as well as Power Puff Girls and Gary Baseman’s Teacher’s Pet.

I really love the attention to detail and the texture that is created in his paintings from the reflections in the car bodies to the mid-century modern architecture, décor and signage.

To check out more of Keith Weesner’s work visit his website and myspace page.

For the Australian readers – his artwork is also available at Outré Gallery in Melbourne and Sydney.keith weesner - sparkingkeith weesner - red roomkeith weesner - streamlinekeith weesner - the passengerkeith weesner - clean impalakeith weesner - lounge muse

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Josh Agle (aka Shag)

January 29, 2009 at 2:06 pm | Posted in architecture, art, houses | 3 Comments
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Josh “Shag” Agle is one of my favourite lowbrow artists. Hailing from America, Shag is best known for his flat perspective, vivid colour paintings depicting lounge and tiki-themed scenes.

His paintings are visually influenced by avant-garde animation of the early fifties and sixties and usually have a subtle sense of humour to them leaving the viewer asking the question, “What’s actually going on in this scene?”

To me his paintings have a cool nostalgic feel, depicting the jet-setting high life of the 1950’s. Another great subtle feature in some of his paintings is his reference to classic mid-century modern houses. A number of his paintings have featured the work of Australian and American mid-century architects such as Robin Boyd, Harry Seidler, John Lautner and Pierre Koenig.

For more info visit

"Robin's Nest" - Shagrobin boyd house II courtyard Above: Robin Boyd House II – Robin Boyd

"Dickie Bird" - Shag robin boyd house II loft bedroom Above: Robin Boyd House II – Robin Boyd

"Rose Seidler's House" - Shagrose seidler house montageAbove: Rose Seidler House – Harry Seidler

Christinas WorldRoseSeidlerHouseSulmanPrizeAbove: Rose Seidler House – Harry Seidler

"The Bird Watcher" - ShagMalin Residence (Chemosphere)Above: Malin Residence “Chemosphere” – John Lautner

"LA Modern" (Day) - Shag(I’ll put money on it that the photographer in this painting is a nod to the modernist architectural photographer Julius Shulman who famously photographed the Stahl House)Stahl House 3 - Julius SchulmanAbove: Stahl House (Case Study House #22) – Pierre Koenig (Photo – Julius Shulman)

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