Monopoly Repackaging

March 14, 2009 at 7:22 pm | Posted in graphic design | 1 Comment
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monopoly 1

Monopoly has always been one of my favourite board games. Not just for the chance to be a property tycoon for an afternoon but also for the detail of various elements of the game such as the metal playing pieces, houses and even the money. So when I saw this repackaging project taking the attention to detail to another level, I loved it straight away.

Designed by Graphic Design student Andy Mangold, this reworking of the Monopoly packaging is inspired by expensive boxes of chocolate.

“Monopoly, in spite being the classiest of all board games, unfortunately is packaged just as boringly and uncreatively as every other garbage board game on the shelves. So, I decided to repackage it… turning the class up to 11.

All of the boxes are made out of chocolate brown mat board and skinned in cream arches cover. The final package is just over 10″ x 10″ x 1.5″ and includes smaller containers for all of the various pieces and cards and a laser-cut holder for all of the houses and hotels.”

It would be really cool to see this as the standard edition for sale in shops one day!

Check out Andy Mangold’s website here. (He has a great blog too.)

via catto

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monopoly 3

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