Papercraft Skull – Skull-A-Day

April 11, 2009 at 11:31 pm | Posted in objects | 1 Comment
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skullPhoto: Aidan Taylor

I thought I’d introduce you to a little skull that sits proudly on my desk at work. The Papercraft Skull is a cut and folded paper skull designed by Noah Scalin as part of his Skull-A-Day project/blog.

This great design not only looks really cool but the jaw opens and closes via a tab that sticks out the back – no split pins are required at all.

If you want to make one for yourself you can download the pdf pattern from the Skull-A-Day blog here then print it onto paper/card, cut, fold, and glue (following the instructions) and there you have it – you’ve got yourself a cool paper skull.

Visit Skull-A-Day at

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