Josh Agle (aka Shag)

January 29, 2009 at 2:06 pm | Posted in architecture, art, houses | 3 Comments
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Josh “Shag” Agle is one of my favourite lowbrow artists. Hailing from America, Shag is best known for his flat perspective, vivid colour paintings depicting lounge and tiki-themed scenes.

His paintings are visually influenced by avant-garde animation of the early fifties and sixties and usually have a subtle sense of humour to them leaving the viewer asking the question, “What’s actually going on in this scene?”

To me his paintings have a cool nostalgic feel, depicting the jet-setting high life of the 1950’s. Another great subtle feature in some of his paintings is his reference to classic mid-century modern houses. A number of his paintings have featured the work of Australian and American mid-century architects such as Robin Boyd, Harry Seidler, John Lautner and Pierre Koenig.

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"Robin's Nest" - Shagrobin boyd house II courtyard Above: Robin Boyd House II – Robin Boyd

"Dickie Bird" - Shag robin boyd house II loft bedroom Above: Robin Boyd House II – Robin Boyd

"Rose Seidler's House" - Shagrose seidler house montageAbove: Rose Seidler House – Harry Seidler

Christinas WorldRoseSeidlerHouseSulmanPrizeAbove: Rose Seidler House – Harry Seidler

"The Bird Watcher" - ShagMalin Residence (Chemosphere)Above: Malin Residence “Chemosphere” – John Lautner

"LA Modern" (Day) - Shag(I’ll put money on it that the photographer in this painting is a nod to the modernist architectural photographer Julius Shulman who famously photographed the Stahl House)Stahl House 3 - Julius SchulmanAbove: Stahl House (Case Study House #22) – Pierre Koenig (Photo – Julius Shulman)

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