Andrew Pommier

June 4, 2009 at 12:02 am | Posted in art | Leave a comment
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Currently residing in Vancouver, Canada, Andrew Pommier is an artist whose paintings and illustrations often depict quirky characters juxtaposed with elements of nature.

“His art mixes the polish and rawness of the creative process. Left exposed are the rough pencil lines referencing sketches from his steadfast companion, his sketchbook. The hurried daily records are then contrasted with deftly polished lines in paint, which contain the result of a darkly humorous reflection of the ironic collision between the constructed world of man and the natural world.” –

I first got into his work after having seen it grace the pages of an issue of Monster Children magazine and since then I have been collecting whatever images of his work I can get my hands on! Now with the recent launch of his new website my life will be made a lot easier. 🙂

Check out Andrew’s work at his new website: 

There’s also a cool interview with him at the evogear website here.


I love seeing inside an artist’s sketchbook – being able to see the exploratory sketches and gaining an insight into the process with the faint reference lines. Many of Andrew Pommier’s paintings still have this element of rawness to them too with pencil linework still showing and little sketches surrounding them. (The above Moleskin pages were the index page to Andrew’s website for a while when it was still under construction.)

man down


hanging with the gang

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